Newsletters to Residents


Greetings from your Board of Directors.

Here’s an update on what’s happening in your District:

Projects Completed:

  • The Greenferry Terraces project, funded by the $1.8 million bond, replaced aging and leaking main lines. Fire hydrants were also installed.
  • The Office was remodeled, funded from interest earnings on our reserves.
  • The well site was fenced, via partial funding from a State grant, to provide security of your water source.
  • An Advisory Committee, consisting of your neighbors, was appointed by the Board and meets monthly to provide assistance on District projects.
  • A cybersecurity analysis was provided free of charge by Boise State University students and its findings are being addressed by the Board.

Projects underway (funded by the 10-year property tax levy):

  • Well #2 was tested, and a new 125 hp pump ordered to replace the pump that has exceeded its useful 25-year life.
  • The Well Pump #1, also a 125 hp pump has been ordered. Well #1 will be tested this fall and then join the new Well #2 pump for operations.
  • The Well House is being expanded, assisted by a grant from the State, to isolate the chlorine storage and provide additional space for new pump components.
  • The Board has ordered a standby/emergency generator for the Well Pumps for backup if electric power is lost. It will be available during the upcoming fire season.
  • Aging meters in the District are being replaced and upgraded to new, remote-read meters. This will also eliminate leaks and improve service.
  • A grant from the Bureau of Reclamation has been submitted by the Advisory Committee. If the District is awarded the grant it will fund about half of the cost of the meter replacement scheduled to continue next year.

Other Projects (as funding allows)

  • Additional backup generators will be placed at the booster stations on Greenferry and at Bella Ridge, joining the two already in place (provided by developers) at Riverview Heights.
  • Repair and/or replacement of the Highland Reservoir
  • Upgrade and/or relocation of the booster stations on Greenferry, Tanglewood/Snowshoe and at Bella Ridge.

Residents are encouraged to comment on these and other projects in the 10-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP, available at the District office).  Board meetings are at 4:00 pm on the third Monday of each month at the District office, 9191 W Michael Way. You can also call or text Manager John Austin at (208) 651-2192 or email him at  


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